5S is the abbreviated reference to five Japanese words that govern workplace organization and housekeeping. The S refers to the first letter of each element. The basic idea is a place for everything and everything in its place. An ordered workplace helps to improve overall efficiency, by eliminating Waste.
The five words are: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke.
Here are the Japanese 5S, the English 5S translations, and the 5C translation.
Seiri >> Sort >> Clear out >> Remove unnecessary items
Seiton >> Set in Order >> Configure >> Organise the things you need
Seiso >> Shine >> Clean and Check >> All equipment and the area
Seiketsu >> Standardise >> Conformity >> Create the new standard
Shitsuke >> Sustain >> Custom and Practice >> Maintain the new standard
Thanks to Toby Arnold
External Links
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